“I will bless those who bless you…”
––Genesis 12:3 NKJV
Israel and the Jewish people remain precious to God. Bless Israel Sunday is a special day to engage with God’s heart for His Chosen People. This year, it’s October 25, 2020.
Bless Israel Sunday is an opportunity to encourage your congregation or small group with a deeper understanding of the important place Israel holds in God’s heart while at the same time inspiring a passion for seeing all Israel saved.
Why Bless Israel?
God loves the Jewish people. In the Old Testament, God said they are precious in His sight and the apple of His eye (Isaiah 43:4, Zechariah 2:12). Jesus Himself said that He longed to gather His people to Himself (Matthew 23:37).
Israel remains God’s Chosen People. God made a covenant with Israel, and He is faithful to keep it (Deuteronomy 4:31).
God commands us to pray for Israel. The Psalms tell us to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). He also told Abraham that He would bless those who bless him. That’s not why we are to bless Israel – to receive a blessing in return – but this crucial verse reveals how pleasing it is to God when individuals bless His Chosen People (Genesis 12:3).
Are You an Israel Expert?
Jewish Voice Ministries shares biblical insight as to why God wants you to have a heart for Israel and the Jewish people. Take this quiz to discover how much you know about the State of Israel, the Promised Land, and God's Chosen People.
The most significant blessing a Jewish person can receive is salvation through the prophesied Messiah, Jesus. Jewish people need Jesus just like you. There is no other way to salvation (Acts 4:12) for any of us, Jew or Gentile. And the Gospel is not merely “also” for Jewish people. The Gospel is for all people, but, according to Paul, it’s first for the Jewish people (Romans 1:16).
Israel is central to the return of Jesus – and you have a vital role (Mathews 23:39, Romans 11:11).
Why Participate in Bless Israel Sunday
Participating in Bless Israel Sunday will help bring greater awareness to Believers about God’s faithfulness and love for Israel, and that He still has a plan and purpose for Israel. By focusing on this scriptural message, your fellowship will help nurture a love for the Jewish people in the hearts of Believers and the Church as a whole. It may deepen an existing love; for others, it may inspire it for the first time.
It all boils down to this: What matters to God should matter to all of us who belong to Him. As we’ve seen, our blessing Israel with our prayers, support, love and energy is important to God.
How to Participate in Bless Israel Sunday
So, the next big question is how you go about participating in Bless Israel Sunday. Here’s a step-by-step idea for you.
- Pray about talking with your pastor or small group leader about making October 25 your fellowship’s Bless Israel Sunday
- Prepare for the discussion by printing out samples of the free resources available on the Bless Israel Sunday webpage,[JC1] and leave them with your leader
- Plan your Sunday! Your congregation may want to include some or all of the following in your Bless Israel Sunday: sermon related to Israel and the Jewish people, small group lesson, playing (or learning and singing) some Messianic Jewish worship songs, Scripture readings and discussions, praying together for Israel and the Jewish people, organizing a display table for the free resources listed below
- Print copies of the FREE RESOURCES available on the Bless Israel Sunday webpage
- Scriptures about God’s heart for Israel
- Bookmarks
- Ways to Pray for Israel
- Promote Bless Israel Sunday with even MORE FREE RESOURCES. Help spread the word to get others involved in learning about, focusing on and blessing Israel on this special Sunday.
- Graphics for bulletins and sharing on social media
- Printable church bulletin inserts
- Printable posters
More Ways to Bless Israel
Here are some additional ways you can bless Israel.
- Equip. Equip yourself, your church or small group with a growing knowledge of God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people by spending time in His Word regarding His love and faithfulness toward them
- Pray. Pray for Israel and the Jewish people, for their protection and that they would come to know their Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus)
- Give. Your donation to Jewish Voice Ministries International helps Jewish people in Israel and around the world who are living in need. Through Jewish Voice ministry partners and JVMI Outreaches, your gift will meet physical, medical and spiritual needs
- Go. Join Jewish Voice on an upcoming Outreach where you will be the hands and feet of Yeshua (Jesus) bringing comfort, healing and the Good News to Jewish people and their neighbors
Join us for our weekly blog series, “Pray for Israel on Bless Israel Sunday,” where you’ll find information, ideas and prayers for Israel.