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What Move Will Putin Make Next?

June 03, 2016

What Move Will Putin Make Next?  

A paper recently published in a prestigious European foreign policy publication paints an alarming picture of Vladimir Putin’s Russia and how an emerging series of crises may drive the increasingly desperate strongman into making some dangerous moves on the world stage.

The report’s author, Nikolay Petrov, is one of the world’s foremost experts on Russia and Russian foreign relations. According to Petrov, “Russia’s political regime is unsustainable. It has no capacity to reform, and faces growing economic woes, crumbling infrastructure, and warring elites.”

In “Putin’s Downfall: The Coming Crisis of the Russian Regime,” Petrov points out that military action has increasingly become the Putin government’s prime means of maintaining popular support at home.

Economic sanctions imposed after Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea, along with the subsequent shooting down of a civilian airliner by Russian-backed rebels in Ukraine, have hit the nation’s pocketbook hard. Low energy prices are amplifying that pain.

Putin’s response has been to project Russia’s military power. Currently the country is actively, and aggressively, ramping up activity in Ukraine, Chechnya, Syria, Kaliningrad, along its border with the Scandinavian nations, the Baltic nations, and the Arctic Circle. Russian military jets have recently made numerous provocative runs into NATO defenses as well.

As one of the world’s foremost military powers and equipped with a massive nuclear arsenal, a desperate, reckless Russia is a dangerous Russia.

As I mentioned in this space recently, in their efforts to fight ISIS, Russia is adding a third military presence in Syria, northeastern neighbor to Israel. This latest base completes a triad of operations covering ground, air, and naval in that nation.

Only the contested Golan Heights buffers Israel from Syria, and this past April, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu firmly stated that Israel will never give up the strategic region. Though it is critical to Israel’s protection, the United Nations immediately responded to Netanyahu by reaffirming a 1981 ruling claiming Israel does not have the right to the area they captured from Syria in 1967.

If Israel loses the Golan Heights, there is great cause for concern for Israel. If Russia’s presence in Syria strengthens, the threat magnifies, especially in light of Bible prophecy. Many believe that Russia figures prominently in End Time scenarios and that they will lead an invasion of Israel in fulfillment of the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

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