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What Trump's Presidency Could Mean for Israel

November 18, 2016

Even after a lengthy campaign season, President-elect Donald Trump remains something of a wild card in the minds of many people.

But America’s soon-to-be 45th president does appear to be getting off to a good start in at least one regard. And that should be encouraging to those of us who care deeply about U.S.-Israel relations.

Here’s why I say that:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will visit Washington soon.

The Times of Israel reported on Wednesday morning after the election that Donald Trump had already spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In a statement to the news media, the prime minister’s office said Trump and Netanyahu “have known each other for many years” and had “a warm, cordial conversation” by phone. During the call, the president-elect invited the prime minister for meetings in the United States at the “first opportunity.”

Regional issues were also apparently raised during the phone conversation, but the statement did not elaborate further.

In remarks released to the media after Trump proclaimed victory, Netanyahu called him “a true friend of the State of Israel” and promised to work with the new president “to advance security, stability, and peace in our region.”

It’s encouraging that the next president of the United States made it an early priority—even before he officially takes office—to work on improving the strained relations with America’s most important ally in the Middle East.

A major Israel advocacy group sees the new U.S. Congress as “most pro-Israel ever”.

Donald Trump may be off to a good start, but what about the other key influence on U.S.-Israel relations: Congress?

Well, here’s more promising news…

The largest and most influential group advocating for stronger U.S.-Israel relations said that it sees the next U.S. Congress as the “most pro-Israel ever”—this according to the Times of Israel.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which bills itself as a bipartisan group working to strengthen, protect, and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship, issued a statement congratulating Trump and “the elected and reelected senators and representatives who will be part of the most pro-Israel Congress ever…”

AIPAC said it looks forward to “working with them and the new administration to further strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship.”

The group took the occasion to also remind Trump of comments he made at the AIPAC’s policy conference in March on the importance of the relationship: “We will send a clear signal that there is no daylight between America and our most reliable ally, the State of Israel.”

I mention these developments not because of any allegiance to Donald Trump. Rather, I’m motivated by my firm belief that Israel will benefit from a strong bond with its greatest ally, America—no matter who is in the White House.

Whether you favored Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, our responsibility remains the same as believers in Yeshua (Jesus) AND supporters of a Jewish state: to pray for and seek productive relations between the two nations. I hope you’ll join me in praying for that in the weeks ahead.

And I hope you know that when you support Jewish Voice, you are helping combat misinformation and anti-Semitism. Your support also helps to deliver humanitarian aid, clean water, and the Gospel of Yeshua to Jewish people living in poverty in places like Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. We are grateful for your partnership with us in these important works because we couldn’t do it without you.

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Again, thank you for your continuing partnership with Jewish Voice Ministries.



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