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Who are Messianic Jews?

December 01, 2015

Messianic Jews are Jewish in heritage and believe Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah promised in Old Testament prophecies. Other terms have been used for Jewish People who have placed their faith in Yeshua, such as “completed Jew,” or “fulfilled Jew.” Messianic Judaism has also been known as Jewish Christianity.

Many people wonder at the idea of Jews who believe in Jesus, but this is really nothing new. Yeshua’s first disciples were Jewish, as were the majority of His followers when He was on Earth. Jesus Himself was Jewish and the New Testament portrays Him observing Jewish feasts and customs.

Messianic Jews continue to practice their Jewish faith and customs and do not renounce the God of their fathers when they believe in Yeshua as the prophesied Messiah. The God of Abraham is the God of Yeshua. Yeshua is the Messiah of the Jewish People.

Messianic Judaism is an expression of faith in Yeshua that combines the lifestyle and heritage of Judaism with the New Testament teachings of Jesus as the only provision for salvation from sin and God’s New Covenant prophesied in Jeremiah 31. Messianic Jews enjoy the celebrations, traditions, culture, and lifestyle of their Jewish heritage while embracing Yeshua as their Messiah.

There are hundreds of thousands of Messianic Jews in the world today. They reside all across the globe on every continent. Jewish Voice is taking the Good News of Yeshua to members of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” discovered in India, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe. These are Jewish People who have maintained their Jewish customs, traditions and faith over centuries of displacement. Thousands are coming to faith in Yeshua when they hear the Good News that their Messiah has come. It is truly exciting to see God calling His People back to Himself, lifting the veil from their eyes and revealing Yeshua as their Messiah. It is nothing less than Bible prophecy being fulfilled.

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