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This is Why we Confront Spiritual Opposition

August 04, 2015

- From the Desk of -

Jonathan Bernis

I won’t ask for much of your time here. But I do have something important to request of you. In fact, it’s more important than I can express.

In recent weeks, we hit the peak of the vacation season. Here in my home base of Phoenix, Arizona, lots of people understandably headed for milder temperatures in July. The fact is, all over the world people have unplugged and disconnected in recent weeks.

That’s a good thing! Vacations are important. We all need them in this stressful, information-saturated world in which we’re living. But historically, the summer months have brought a sharp drop in support for ministries and compassion-based organizations like Jewish Voice.


Here’s the challenge . . .


Hatred of the Jewish People doesn’t take the summer off. The devil — that dragon who is ever and always enraged because the Jews were the vessel used by God to bring Messiah into the world — doesn’t take vacations. That’s been evident in recent months, as the well-funded global campaign to isolate and damage Israel through boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (the BDS movement) accelerated on many fronts. Also...


Neither anti-Semitism nor the harsh persecution of Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) took a break this summer, either.

We’ve seen heart-wrenching examples of both over the last few weeks. In fact, at the moment, we’re ramping up our efforts to minister to a newly identified group in Ethiopia that has been the target of deadly, hate-fueled violence.

Finally, the last thing humanity’s enemy wants to see is Jewish People meeting and embracing their Messiah and receiving eternal life. Which is why Jewish Voice confronts constant spiritual opposition to our efforts all over the world.

This is also why we need your prayers and unwavering support now more than ever.


Hatred doesn’t take a summer vacation, and neither can our efforts.


There is simply too much at stake for too many people. A generous, extra gift of support from you today can help offset any drop in support we experience this summer. So my question is...

Will you step in where others have stepped away? Sadly, anti-Semitism and the persecution of Jewish Believers in Yeshua didn’t take a break this summer. Neither did poverty or disease among the scattered remnants of the Israelite people.

The needs are great! We are putting together a plan now to ensure that help continues to flow where it is needed most. Please respond with your best gift today.










Check out our 2016 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. These life-giving clinics are not possible without people like you, praying, donating, and volunteering. Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? We need non-medical volunteers, too. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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