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Woliso Medical Mission Report

February 13, 2015

2015Woliso-Stats-SocMedia-Graphic-800 Thank you for your prayers and support as we served in rural southern Ethiopia last week on the 2015 Woliso medical mission. While the preparation for this outreach presented new and unprecedented challenges for JVMI, the results were excellent!

We praise the Lord for

  • health for the entire team of staff and participants
  • tremendous team unity
  • strong relationships with local Messianic leaders
  • an anointed and powerful prayer room team
  • a fantastic team of local and international medical practitioners
  • tremendous joy as we served the Lord among the Gefat tribe and their neighbors

Woliso report image, medical mission

We thank you so much for your prayers for power, provision, and protection!

As far as “numbers,” we always remember that each number means a person, and each number represents a life helped, encouraged, and changed. Think of that powerful truth as you read the numbers below!



Total Patients Treated in Woliso Medical Mission - 9,621




Patients Treated, by Area of Need

  • 5,593   Medical patients treated
  •    891   Dental patients treated
  • 2,068   Eye patients treated
  • 1,069   Eyeglasses distributed
  •      79   Cataracts surgeries performed
  •      98  Trachoma surgeries performed
  •       27  Minor surgeries performed

Prayer Room

  • We prayed with 3,161 patients who volunteered to enter the prayer tent and meet our team.
  • Of those, 1,212 prayed to receive Yeshua as their Messiah!
  • 1,036 patients reported receiving supernatural healing during prayer with our team.
  • 254 patients showed signs of experiencing supernatural deliverance from strongholds and demonic oppression—especially from witchcraft and Islam.

LifeStraw® Water Filters

  • 4,916 LifeStraw® individual units were distributed, each one providing years of clean drinking water!
  • 10 LifeStraw® family units were distributed, which will each provide a family with two to four years of clean water!
  • LifeStraw® distribution accompanied a brief water education and sanitation/personal hygiene lesson

Please join us in celebrating what the Lord has done during this wonderful week of ministry in Woliso!

We have several more of these exciting and powerful medical missions ahead in 2015. We’d love for you to join us and share in the amazing things God is doing. Visit our website and take a look at our 2015 Medical Outreach schedule. Answer the Call!


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