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Woliso Medical Mission – Wrapping Up

February 06, 2015

Today ends the week-long medical mission clinic. Communication has been spotty in Woliso, sometimes available and sometimes not. The clinic served nearly 4,000 patients mid-way through the medical mission. Over 800 people visited the prayer tent, with nearly 500 of them receiving Yeshua as their Messiah! Our team is made up of two kinds of volunteers. The medical group includes doctors, dentists, dental hygienists, nurses, physician assistants, medical technologists, lab and pharmacy technicians. On the non-medical team we have people serving in the prayer room, line management, and administration. Each volunteer plays a vital role in meeting the needs of the precious people we serve. Waiting rooms are created with tents placed in the open field surrounding the few buildings located on the clinic site. 9717

Medical mission in action

Patients wait in the shade to see a medical professional in one of the various departments. We offer general surgery, eye surgery, pediatric, obstetric, wound care, and eyeglass departments, among others. 9716

Blue skies and the beauty of Ethiopia


The people of Woliso

The children always capture our hearts. They are curious and can be shy, especially in front of the camera. 9658   9659   Often, bystanders or family members peer into the compound from outside the fence. 9633 We so appreciate your prayers for this clinic. Our hard-working volunteers will help close down the clinic and then travel to Ethiopia’s capital city, where they can rest before making the long flight home. Please continue to pray for them as well as for the people of Woliso. Please pray for the new Believers to grow strong in their faith through our follow-up ministry. Pray that the spiritual fruit of this medical mission will continue to grow. Pray also that even more seed will be planted through the hundreds of  new followers of Yeshua, who can help spread His truth.



People’s lives are dramatically changed through our medical outreaches. Both physical and spiritual lives are saved through JVMI medical missions. Consider joining us! You will have an experience that is powerful and life-changing! Visit our website and check out our schedule of 2015 Medical Outreaches. Answer the call!

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