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Woliso Population Plus One - Medical Outreach in Ethiopia

March 07, 2014

“Congratulations! It’s a boy!” On Wednesday, members of the JVMI medical missions team delivered a precious baby boy to a babyvery happy mother. The baby was born in the nurses’ station of our five-day 2014 Woliso medical clinic. We are told the labor and delivery went very well.

One of the greatest pleasures of our medical missions team is when we are privileged to assist a mother in bringing her baby into the world. Our medical professionals love their volunteer jobs of treating and comforting the sick, but you can imagine the bright happiness of seeing a new birth take place during a clinic. This is not a first for a Jewish Voice medical mission. We have experienced new births on many of our outreaches and it is always wonderful.

“The right place” converged with “the right time” and Jewish Voice was blessed to be there to introduce this sweet woman to her brand new son. God knew all along how He would bring this little boy into the world, and when. May His hand of blessing and favor be upon this little one all the days of his life, and may he – and his mother and family – come to trust in Yeshua that we may meet them in heaven as well.

Coming on Horseback

horse A woman arrives at our Woliso 2014 clinic on horseback as lines of patients wait in the background.

Though Woliso is a city of over 38,000* many people live outside the city in rural settings. No cars, just horses, donkeys or burros. Sometimes patients come to us from over 100 km away. They often walk or are brought in a burro-drawn cart. This week we had an older woman come to us on the back of a small horse. She looked exhausted from what was sure to be a bouncing journey, not to mention the illness that compelled her to come.

We can only imagine lives of hardship such as these. We consider it a privilege to bring free medical and dental treatment to these terribly needy people. Our presence gives them hope. Such hope that they travel for miles upon miles to see us. When we can introduce them to Yeshua Messiah as well, it is an eternal joy!

Why not consider joining us on one of our upcoming medical missions? We would love to have you come along and can assure you it will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life! Make a difference with us! Check out our 2014 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website.

Become a Jewish Voice Prayer Partner and undergird our ministries with your prayer! Visit the Prayer page of our website and sign up today.

*Records showed Woliso’s population at nearly 38,000 in 2007.

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