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Wonders in Wolkite!

December 10, 2021


We’re back from Wolkite (pronounced Wuhl-KEE-tay), Ethiopia, and are excited to tell you about the trip. You were a big part of all that took place there because your generosity and prayers made this Medical Outreach possible.

About four out of five patients we treated in Wolkite suffered from ear or hearing issues. The Lord expressed His love for the people by meeting this prevalent need, both in the Medical Clinic and Spiritual Care Ministry.

One mother brought her 12-year-old son, who couldn’t hear. While they waited with medical staff for hearing aids, a doctor prayed for him. And the Lord opened the boy’s ears! Their smiles were so big! Afterward, this mother and son, who were Muslim, went across the street to the prayer area, where they both heard the Gospel and prayed to receive Jesus as Messiah!

About 80% of Wolkite’s population professes Islam, including many Jewish people driven to do so by oppression and persecution. A pastor working with us – a veteran of Muslim ministry in Ethiopia – was astonished at how many Muslims came to receive prayer in the name of Jesus during this Outreach.

The Living Waters team visited Jewish villages around Wolkite, taking water education, LifeStraw water filters, and sharing the Gospel with Jewish families.

In all, 8,781 people in Wolkite received much-needed medical care, and 538 prayed to proclaim Jesus as their Messiah. Below are a few more numbers related to the Outreach, each representing individual lives – and therefore families – impacted by the care you helped us provide. Thank you!


Wolkite, Ethiopia Medical Outreach

  • 8,781 Patients Seen
  • 149 Family LifeStraw Water Filters Given
  • 2 Community LifeStraw Water Devices Given
  • 1,746 Eyeglasses Distributed
  • 163 Eye Surgeries Performed
  • 80 Minor Surgeries
  • 1,448 Patients Visited the Spiritual Care Ministry
  • 538 People Professed Faith in Jesus

Ethiopian Messianic Jewish congregations that you help support continue working in Wolkite, visiting families who received water filters, building relationships and spreading the Gospel. Please remember them in your prayers. And thank you again for your generosity that enabled such life-transforming ministry to take place.

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