I am writing to ask for your help in meeting the needs of women and children in Israel who are facing great difficulty because of the pandemic and economic challenges that have followed.
Let me start by sharing what the founder of one of the partner organizations we work closely with in Israel told us. I want you to hear his words and his heart.
He said he is “hard-pressed” to remember a time in the last 20 years he’s led the ministry “where the people of Israel were in such need of hope as they are now.”
He said, “Even the many wars Israel has fought cannot match the level of desperation that many families in Israel are experiencing, and it is felt on so many levels — economically, emotionally, spiritually and even physically as the coronavirus continues to take its toll on all parts of society here.”
He shared with us about one single mother who some of his staff members had met because she worked in the same building where the ministry is located.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, she was laid off, leaving her with few options to provide for her children.
Because of your partnership, you are putting food on this mom’s table.
One of the organization’s staff members told us this mom was so grateful, saying “we remembered her when others forgot her.”
This is just one example of what you make possible when you give today. For struggling single moms. For women fleeing domestic abuse. For widows and orphans.
Women and children who are feeling forgotten — but thanks to you they will receive the practical, urgent help they need. And they will experience the love and hope of our Messiah through those who are serving as the hands and feet of Jesus.
You’ll be fulfilling this call to live out our faith found in the Scriptures:
“Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world”
(James 1:27).
Your gift today will provide grocery vouchers, shelter for women and children in crisis, spiritual encouragement and support, and more in the name of Jesus.
Because of your love for Israel and the Jewish people, I believe you’ll want to help meet this need and make a life-changing difference for women and children who have nowhere else to turn. Like the single mother who was so grateful for the grocery voucher.
Knowing she can feed her children is like having a heavy burden lifted from her weary shoulders. And knowing someone cares is giving her hope during a difficult season.
I’m praying for your immediate, generous gift today. We must raise $126,000 to come alongside our ministry partners and make sure these women and children know we remember them and we care about them.
For your gift of any amount, we would like to send you our 2021 Jewish Voice Wall Calendar, filled with images to remind you of the wonderful work you make possible through your support.
If you’re able to give $100 or more, we would like to add our Chanukiah. You’ll have your own nine-branched candelabra for Chanukah, designed especially for Jewish Voice partners. We’re offering the Chanukiah to you now so you’ll have time to prepare for your holiday celebration.
Thank you for doing what you can to make sure these women and children are remembered and not forgotten.