You and I share an exciting vision: that “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26). And everything we do together, as partners in ministry, is with that goal in mind.
It’s about the Gospel – introducing the Jewish people and their neighbors to Jesus, the Messiah. It’s the greatest and the most important way you can bless anyone.
And it has never been more important than it is now amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Of course, humanitarian works, like our Medical Outreaches, are critical. But without the Good News, these efforts make only a temporary difference.
That’s why ministry work among the Jewish people wherever they are around the world – is never a one-time event. We at Jewish Voice don’t feel called to short-term ministry.
Rather, much like the biblical model, we believe God has called us to build long-term partnerships around the world – to plant, support and come alongside local churches and Messianic congregations. And, through God’s blessing, to help grow these communities as vibrant witnesses for the transforming power of the Gospel.
Linking arms with other ministry partners and congregations helps cultivate each seed of faith sown so that it will eventually bear good, strong, vibrant fruit… especially in areas where there’s little or no knowledge of Jesus. Both in Israel and around the world.
This is a massive undertaking. And I believe it is one of the greatest ways to build God’s Kingdom this year.
Your help will make a big difference…
Even as I write, through your gifts, Jewish Voice supports some 300 other congregations and ministries around the world. This number includes work in Israel, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Russia, Poland, Argentina, United States, Mexico, Canada and more.
In fact, it costs over $3 million to support these ministries for an entire year. And I’m praying you can give a generous gift to help.
But more than that, let’s go even further…
This year, let’s grow the number of ministries and congregations that we support together.
This is a huge undertaking for Jewish Voice. But I’m sure you’ll agree … the potential for building God’s Kingdom is too great and too important to do anything less.
But we can only move ahead with this as the Lord opens doors. And as He provides through His people.
Thank you in advance. You will make such a difference!