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Zambia Medical Outreach October 20–30

October 19, 2022

See, I am doing a new thing! — Isaiah 43:19a


We are so excited about our Outreach in the Mumbwa district of Zambia – starting almost as we speak! This is our first time doing a Medical Outreach in a new country in 10 years. Although we have done many Outreaches and established many congregations in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe, Zambia is entirely new to us – from currency to customs. And we do believe the Lord is doing a new thing there.

There are so many critical elements to this Outreach, which is about to begin.

Zambia is considered a nation of born-again Believers, but how many of the Lemba Jewish people there truly know Yeshua (Jesus)as their Messiah and Savior? We can sense the warring in the spirit realm, both because of breaking ground in a new nation and because of the potential for Jewish people and their neighbors to be saved, healed and delivered.

SIGN UP HERE NOW to cover this Outreach in prayer! We have not walked this way before and are so grateful to have you joining us side by side through prayer.

Here are the day-by-day Prayer Points. Please pray for the following:

Wednesday, October 19 – Matthew 24:44a

  • All last-minute preparations to fall quickly and smoothly into place
  • Much favor in the community and from all levels of leadership and governmental authority
  • Special anointing from the Lord throughout the Outreach as we break spiritual ground in a new country

Thursday, October 20 – Galatians 5:22–23

  • Protection over every aspect of the Outreach, including physical, mental, emotional, relational and spiritual
  • Outreach volunteers and other staff members (and their luggage) as they travel
  • The Lord to speak to them, preparing them to minister out of the fulness of His Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit

Friday, October 21 – John 17:20-21

  • This Outreach to be characterized by incredible Kingdom unity among every team member as an answer to Yeshua’s prayer in John 17
  • Everything to be done in love
  • A shalom-filled Shabbat fellowship time to set the tone and spiritual atmosphere for the Outreach
  • Mild weather this week, which is during Zambia’s hot season, so many will come and be served

Saturday, October 22 – Psalm 90:17

  • All departmental training and Clinic set-up to go smoothly
  • Foresight regarding setting up the Clinic and patient flow pattern to best accommodate the purposes and people during this week of ministry
  • Each team member and volunteer to be prepared before the Lord to serve Him wholeheartedly with humility and flexibility

Sunday, October 23 – Mark 16:20

  • All medical and dental professionals to be ready for the Lord to use them to minister to each person they encounter
  • The Lord to manifest His power and compassion through healing, deliverance, miracles, signs and wonders
  • Many people in the community to hear of the Clinic and come to receive medical care and salvation through Yeshua

Monday, October 24 – Romans 15:5-7

  • The Zambian Messianic Congregation hosting us and working alongside us to see this Clinic take place
  • The Lemba congregational leaders from Zimbabwe who will be leading the Spiritual Care Ministry
  • The Ethiopian dental professionals and pharmacist serving at the Clinic and partners and team members from the U.S. and elsewhere

Tuesday, October 25 – 2 Corinthians 3:17

  • The spiritual care tent to be a place of the Lord’s presence where signs and miracles accompany the truth of His Word, drawing each person to Himself
  • All language and cultural differences to be overcome through love and unity, bearing witness to salvation in the Messiah
  • The Living Waters team to be fully welcomed in the community as they distribute LifeStraws® and share the Good News of Jesus, the Living Water

Wednesday, October 26 – Psalm 55:17-18

  • Morning prayer times to be energized by the Holy Spirit and produce insight, stamina and encouragement for each day of ministry
  • The Lord to be glorified and the forces of darkness to flee through lively times of worship with the Zambia worship team
  • Each person to sustain their closeness to and full reliance on God throughout the busyness of the Outreach week

Thursday, October 27 – 2 Peter 3:9

  • Medical personnel to see as many people as possible on this last half-day of the Clinic and for the Lord’s salvation and healing touch to be on all who came for care
  • Safety and ease in taking down and packing up the Clinic
  • Shalom as local workers complete their assignments and receive their pay. Pray also that they may come to know Yeshua for themselves

Friday, October 28 – Matthew 25:23

  • A wonderful and joyous Shabbat as the wonders of all the Lord has done are remembered and praised!
  • Each participant to know that the Lord is well-pleased with their service and delights in them
  • The fellowship and unity everyone has experienced during the week to be enjoyed to the fullest

Saturday, October 29 – Psalm 121:8

  • Safety and health for all participants as they head home and resume daily life – may Yeshua’s praise be on their lips!
  • An efficient and effective follow-up to the Clinic by reaching out to all who were interested in knowing more
  • The Lord’s guidance and timing to eventually lead to a healthy indigenous-led Lemba Messianic Jewish congregation

We are so grateful for your prayers. They are reaching the throne room and having an impact across the globe in Zambia, accomplishing more than we can ask or think in Yeshua’s name.

Let’s pray:

Lord, thank You for the many, many born-again Believers in Zambia. But even beyond those who already believe in You, we are so grateful for the opportunity to make You known among the Lemba Jewish community. May they know You as Messiah and Savior and Lord. May their lives and families and communities be radically impacted by the Good News and by medical care and healing in the wonderful name of Yeshua. AMEN.

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