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When All Israel Stands Still

April 15, 2015
Traffic surges on teeming freeways and surface streets. Markets buzz as goods and currency exchange. Sidewalks swarm with brisk footsteps closing in on assorted destinations. Restaurants clatter with the sounds of food preparation and conversation. It is the bustle of everyday life being lived.

The Cultural Carnage of ISIS

April 14, 2015
Not only is ISIS a brutal band of extremists who heartlessly decapitate even small children in their drive for an Islamic caliphate, but ISIS is also determined to purge whatever competes with the rule of radical Islam.

Yeshua's Final Footsteps: 24 Hours That Changed History

April 10, 2015

So, What’s the Deal? Israel Not Happy

April 10, 2015
“It is a good deal,” says President Obama ( Fox News). It’s “irresponsible” and “dangerous,” says Israel (Times of Israel). So, what IS the deal made last week between Iran and six world powers regarding Iran’s nuclear development. First off, it is not a final deal.

[Special Discount] Zimbabwe Is Calling... Will You Answer?

April 08, 2015
It is life-changing to deliver medical care to people who so desperately need it, who have never had it, and have no other opportunity to receive it. It’s the kind of thing that impacts the givers as much as the receivers. Hurting children and fragile men and women in Zimbabwe need healing and hope.

Medical Missions: We Can't Forget the Looks on Those Faces

April 07, 2015

Third Blood Moon of Tetrad Occurring This Passover

April 03, 2015
The third of four very special blood moons is happening this Friday/Saturday. What are blood moons and why is this group of them so significant. Blood moons are total lunar eclipses which occur when the earth passes between the sun and moon making the moon appear orange or red.

Obama's Coming Break with Israel

April 02, 2015
A Washington Post headline this week shouted, “Obama’s Next Earthquake.” Those words appeared over an editorial by Jackson Diehl, the Deputy Editorial Page Editor of one of America’s most prestigious newspapers. What was this coming “earthquake.

Deal or No Deal? Israel Waits

March 31, 2015
The deadline for negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 countries regarding Iran’s nuclear program has been extended in Lausanne, Switzerland where talks are taking place. Fox News reported earlier that there was a “deal” in the works between Iran and the U.S., U.K.

Medical Missions: This is Love in Action

March 26, 2015
Love in action. That’s what JVMI medical missions are. "Her anguished cries rose above all other voices in the busy prayer room. 'She's saying she cannot receive Jesus,' an Ethiopian translator informed a nearby volunteer. Her distraught words continued, 'God cannot love me.
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