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Blood Sacrifices and Nuclear Threats

April 17, 2014

Time is Growing Short

April 14, 2014
The US is about to return stolen property to the bully that took it. Will you help us spread the word to stop it. Time is growing short to reach our petition goal for the Rescue Jewish Property project and stop stolen Jewish property from being returned to those who took it. We need your help.

A Different Kind of Attack on Israel

April 11, 2014
The nation of Israel was attacked this last Monday (April 7). The attack was massive, coordinated and announced in advance. No soldiers, bombs, missiles or tanks were involved, however. The attack occurred quietly through the Internet. Its’ aim was to cripple Israel economically—at least for a day.

Prayer for the Salvation of Jewish People

April 11, 2014

Moving in Signs and Wonders

April 03, 2014

Israel Forced to Deal With the Devil

March 28, 2014
For months now, a vicious civil war has engulfed Syria on Israel’s northeastern border—leaving countless Syrian civilian casualties in its wake. What is not widely understood is that this bloody conflict is essentially a war-by-proxy between Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia.

Scripture Prayers for Unity

March 28, 2014
The enemy understands well the old adage, “Divide and conquer.” He knows if he can get us to live at odds with one another, he can render most of our ministry efforts ineffective.

Prayer for Jerusalem: Praying by Heart

March 21, 2014
Sites of three religions in Jerusalem: Jewish Temple Mount and Muslim Dome of the Rock with a Christian church in the background Did you know that there are about 13 Hebrew or Aramaic words for “prayer” in the Tanakh (Old Testament).

Impacting the Lives of Leaders and Nations through Prayer

March 19, 2014

Israel and Gaza: When Is Enough Enough?

March 14, 2014
A new sculpture was unveiled in the heart of Gaza City, Gaza on Monday, March 10th. What does this have to do with the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. There is nothing remarkable about that in itself. Cities the world over install works of art in their public squares all the time.
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