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Night of Promise

May 18, 2020
Join us for a special online event of encouragement, inspiration and hope! A Yom Kippur Event Wednesday, September 8th | 8 PM EST.

Hope in His Calling | Day 1

May 18, 2020
If you’re like me, you love reminders. I have reminders everywhere; my workspace is full of sticky notes reminding me of tasks. My phone is set to remind me of birthdays, anniversaries and when to pay bills. I even have a reminder to check my reminders. Chapter 1 of Ephesians serves as our reminder of who we are in Messiah and how Mighty our God is! The Apostle Paul reminds followers of Yeshua of two foundational truths.

Hope From Romans | Day 7

May 17, 2020
Our God is the God of hope! As Paul draws his treatise to the Roman community of faith in Jesus to a close, he invokes the LORD as the God of hope. Inside of His own existence, there is hope. Though He is the God of all things, Paul is highlighting that he is the God of hope specifically. That should be an encouragement to us!

Hope From Romans | Day 6

May 16, 2020
In his letter to the community of faith in Jesus in Galatia, Paul tells them that patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Patience is the by-product of our character having been re-formed by the indwelling Spirit of the living God. We can lean on the Holy Spirit for patience and we can feed the activity of that Spirit in us with the Scriptures. Join us as we look to the Scriptures to build up patience.

Hope From Romans | Day 5

May 15, 2020
Prayer is conversation with the LORD, God Most High. It is a natural result of our ongoing relationship with Him. Sometimes, prayer is for giving thanks. Sometimes, it for making a request. Other times, it is simply a means of reinforcing our connection to Him.

Israel’s new government could offer rare political stability

May 14, 2020

Hope From Romans | Day 4

May 14, 2020
As we are waiting, how should we wait? We wait eagerly. We wait with perseverance. Eagerness is the quality of wanting or longing for something very much – with great anticipation, with keen expectancy and with invested interest. We are interested in Jesus’ kingdom being fully present on the earth.

Will you join us in praying for Zimbabwe?

May 13, 2020
One of the things that we’ve noted about the people of Zimbabwe is their resilience. However, over the past year, as their nation has come under increasing difficulties, we’ve watched their ability to bounce back wear thin. How our hearts go out to this nation and its people! We are trusting the Lord for His provision and that His redemptive purposes for Zimbabwe will be fulfilled. Will you join us in prayer for them as well as for our ministry there?

Covenant Family | Day 6

May 09, 2020

NEW! Access Your JVMI Account Online!

May 08, 2020
There’s an exciting new feature to the Jewish Voice website. You can now access all your giving and shipping information in one convenient place. The JVMI Partner Portal enables you to look up information without having to call in.
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