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A “Lost Tribes” Member Finds Her Way Home

June 15, 2016
Quiet and somber, Astelda told her story to a prayer counselor. The Jewish woman was consumed in sadness and depression. She was in physical pain, too, and longed for healing in her body and her soul. Astelda had been suffering a long time with headaches.

We Need You To Help Reach the Unreached

June 15, 2016
I’m writing to you today because you’ve been a good friend to this ministry and, by extension, a friend to the nation of Israel. Like me, you desire to see the Jewish People hear the Gospel and find eternal life in Yeshua (Jesus), our Messiah and Savior.

Today on Jewish Voice: Daniah Greenberg

June 13, 2016

Meet Daniah Greenberg

June 13, 2016
Daniah Greenberg loves the Bible. When we asked her about her favorite book within it, she could hardly say. Then, clutching her Bible close, she said, “It depends on what week you catch me because I LOVE the Bible.” In 2008, Daniah’s love for God’s Word sent her on an adventure she never expected.

Happy Shavuot

June 11, 2016


Celebrating with you the remembrance of when

God gave the Torah at Mount Sinai

and His Holy Spirit in Jerusalem!

May this Shavuot find you rejoicing in the gifts of

God’s Word and His presence with you.

Acts 2:1-17

Prayer Points: Going Deeper

June 11, 2016

Shavuot and Knowing the Jewish Roots of Your Faith

June 10, 2016
Shavuot is one of three pilgrimage feasts that the Jewish People were commanded to observe at the Temple in Jerusalem, and it begins at sundown on Saturday, June 11, 2016. Shavuot, Feast of Weeks, Feast of Firstfruits, Pentecost - the holiday holds many points of significance.

Meet Dr. Michael Brown

June 06, 2016
His friends used to call him “Drug Bear” because he could do more drugs than any of them. When he was 16 years old, though, he went too far. “I took enough mescaline for 30 people,” Michael recounts on Real Messiah’s website, “and my friends put me on a bus alone, sending me home to fend for myself.

What Move Will Putin Make Next?

June 03, 2016

Forbidden Chapter of the Tanakh

June 02, 2016
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