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Jewish People convert to Messianic Judaism

December 01, 2015
Should I Convert to Messianic Judaism. By Jonathan Bernis, President and CEO of Jewish Voice I personally don’t believe in a conversion to Messianic Judaism. I believe in a change of heart. Biblically, conversion means “to turn” toward God, but there are many kinds of turnings.

Medical Mission Trips

December 01, 2015
If you’re searching the Internet for short term mission trips, Jewish Voice outreaches are a great way to make a powerful difference in the world. They are an adventure of new destinations, cultures, people, and experiences. They are also a spiritual adventure.

Jewish Evangelism | Messianic Jews | Messianic Judaism

December 01, 2015

Yeshua's Atoning Work Throughout the Bible

December 01, 2015
By Jack ZimmermanDo you want to know a secret. No, I’m not talking about the Beatles’ song of the same name. I’m talking about a real, honest-to-goodness, bona fide secret. Ready. Okay, here goes: Yeshua’s existence did not begin in Matthew. Shocked. You shouldn’t be.

Rise of Islam Equals Demise of the Church

December 01, 2015
How the Changing Landscape in the Middle East Will Affect the ChurchBy Jack ZimmermanPicture this: white, sandy beaches; clear blue, sparkling ocean; luxurious hotels; gorgeous sunsets; peace; tranquility. Sounds great, doesn’t it. So where are we. The Caribbean, perhaps. Maybe Hawaii. The Bahamas.

10 Biggest Lies about Yeshua, His Jewishness, and What Some Call ‘Jewish Christianity’

December 01, 2015

Messianic Judaism – Is it OK for Gentiles to Celebrate the Jewish Feasts?

December 01, 2015

Supersessionism: Nothing Super About It! | Jewish Voice

December 01, 2015

A Celebration of Jewish Culture

December 01, 2015
By Jonathan BernisAs a child growing up in a typical American Jewish family, I did not know much about Jesus, other than He was the god of Christianity. I’d been taught to believe He and His followers did not like Jewish People and that many atrocities had been committed against us Jews in His name.

Messiah, Our Passover Lamb

December 01, 2015
By Jonathan Bernis EDITOR'S NOTE: If you are one of our print magazine readers, you can continue the story from page 17 of the March/April 2012 edition. Our magazine is available online in PDF format and in print.
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