What Jewish People Think When They Hear “Jewish Evangelism” Can a Jewish person believe in Jesus. We’ve heard Jewish People say, “You can’t be a Jew and believe in Jesus any more than you can be a vegetarian who eats meat.” It’s not that they’re belligerent.
By Jonathan Bernis The early spring festival of Purim, or the “Feast of Lots,” doesn’t usually get the levels of attention in the Messi-anic world as do the big pilgrimage feasts—Pesach (Pass- over), Shavuot (Pentecost), and Sukkot (Tabernacles).
By Bill McKayThe entwined history of Jews and Christians has, as a part of its chronicle, remarkable high points and destructive low points in its 2000 years.
The back-breaking work of clearing stones from a field in Tach Gayint, Ethiopia, has been for the JVMI team both a prophetic picture and our prayer for a new frontier of ministry.
On March 3, 2015, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a rare joint session of the U.S. Congress. He sounded a solemn warning that day about the intentions of Iran that has, sadly, gone largely unheeded.
They have ancient traditions handed down orally from generation to generation, honoring the Patriarchs Abram, Moriah (a reference to Isaac and Mount Moriah, where Abram was called to sacrifice his son), and Jacob.