The Nazis called them “demonstrations ” But Kristallnacht, “the night of broken glass,” was far more than simple protests; it was a nationwide spate of violent, unbridled anti-Semitism
I’m writing with wonderful news about how you can share help, healing and hope with even more Jewish people. Thanks to a $150,000 matching gift provided by several supporters, whatever you give now will be DOUBLED. You read that right.
Several weeks ago our staff here at Jewish Voice Ministries International participated in a ministry-wide week of prayer and fasting We have done this twice annually for the last couple of years
A Response to the Massacre at Tree of Life Synagogue
Despite a rise in global anti-Semitism and anti-Israel resolutions originating from the United Nations and international courts, the world last week received a reminder of how God continues to bless Israel and all who bless her.
You can imagine … desperation can drive sick and injured people to do just about anything to get treatment And desperate certainly describes many of the Jewish people (and their neighbors) we care for at our Medical Clinics
As we pray for the peace of Israel, we must bear in mind that Iran remains possibly the greatest threat to that peace. While Iran’s goal remains to destroy Israel, its tactics toward that end extend far beyond the Middle East.
The Holocaust officially ended with World War II in 1945. The average age of remaining Holocaust survivors in Israel today is 83. There are nearly 180,000 in Israel, and approximately a third of them live in poverty. Many live alone and have no family.