First, I witnessed the great joy and excitement at the recent 70th anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel And then all of us who love Israel celebrated the great breakthrough of having the U S
"Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri said Iranian and Hezbollah forces will not withdraw from Syria until the country is ‘liberated’ and its ‘territorial integrity is restored,’” The Jerusalem Post reported this week.
As soon as we opened the Jewish Voice Outreach Clinic in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia, the skies broke open with a downpour But heavy rains discouraged none of the hundreds of people waiting in line to see medical professionals
Thank You for your Faithful Prayers. “The effective prayer of a righteous person is very powerful” – James 5:16 (TLV) Thank you so much for your prayers during our recent Medical Outreach in Enfranz, Ethiopia.
At our recent Medical Outreach in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia, Jewish Voice distributed an astounding 12,000 LifeStraws® Thanks to the partnership of people like you, 12,000 men, women and children will enjoy a year or more of clean water
Family members bring to us loved ones seated in burro-drawn carts and wheelbarrows, carried on their backs or lying on homemade stretchers. Some of the stretchers are more refined than others. The one below is made from two metal pipes and woven meshing.
Opening day of the Jewish Voice Ministries (JVMI) Enfranz, Ethiopia, Medical Clinic saw an estimated 3,000‒4,000 people in line. We opened for a half-day on Sunday after spending the morning finishing the Clinic set-up. We were able to treat about 500 people in the short, first day.
Our Enfranz, Ethiopia, Medical Outreach is about to begin There are a number of firsts associated with this trip It’s our first time in Enfranz; we’ll be camping – which is unusual for our Ethiopia Outreaches; we’ll be housed in two separate campsites
God gave us the Torah, His Word and instruction, on Shavuot in the wilderness God put His law in our hearts when He gave us the Holy Spirit on Shavuot after Yeshua’s death May you be filled with the wonder of His Word and the power of His presence this Shavuot Chag Sameach • Joyous Holiday