A small Bedouin settlement sprung up recently in the West Bank area of Israel. There were no permissions or permits obtained, and the structures were illegal. As prescribed by law, Israeli officials made plans to dismantle it.
By reading God’s instructions about Sukkot, we can understand that joy can be a choice as well as a response. Intentional rejoicing begins with choosing to contemplate things worth celebrating.
During the days of the tabernacle and Temples, it was the one day of the year when the high priest entered into the Holy of Holies He came bringing the blood of sacrifices, first for his own sins and those of his family, then for all Israel
The Trump administration has again ratcheted up pressure on the Palestinian Authority (PA) to consider its peace plan. In the latest action, National Security Advisor John Bolton announced Monday that the U.S. will close the Palestine Liberation Office (PLO) in Washington, D.C.
Yom Kippur Scripture Meditations for Messianic Jews
Yom Kippur is a solemn day when Jewish people reflect on their sin from the past year. They come humbly before God seeking forgiveness and His favorable “sealing” for the coming year. Messianic Jews understand that Yeshua (Jesus) is our perfect high priest who sacrificed His own blood and took it into the heavenly Holy of Holies on our behalf. With His blood, He made complete atonement for us.
Scripture encourages us to make the most of every opportunity considering the times in which we live (Ephesians 5:16). In October, we are doing just that by visiting two separate areas in Ethiopia to conduct two different types of Medical Clinics, one right after the other.
Judah, son of Jacob, founded the tribe of Judah, which in turn become the name of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, comprised of two family lines or the Tribes of Judah.
In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means “head of the year.” Jewish tradition teaches that God made the earth on the same date as the biblical Feast of Trumpets, or Yom Teruah (YOM teh-ROO-ah). For this reason, Rosh Hashanah and the Feast of Trumpets are observed together.
The rhythm of a year is established through changing seasons and the marking of special days The biblical feasts that God commanded Israel to observe create the framework of a Jewish year In Leviticus chapter 23, God called these holy days moadim (mo-eh-DEEM), or “appointed times
“Search me, O God, and know my heart Examine me, and know my anxious thoughts, and see if there be any offensive way within me, and lead me in the way everlasting ” ―Psalm 139:23‒24 At Rosh Hashanah (ROSHE Hah-SHAH-nah), Jewish people around the world spend time in reflection and repentance