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Promise fulfilled! Rioters object.

May 18, 2018
The U S embassy move – or its first stage – is successfully completed It was so exciting to be here with our Jewish Voice 2018 Israel Tour as it happened But not everyone is pleased Ahead of Monday’s embassy opening, thousands of Gaza residents demonstrated against the move

They hoped for a miracle and Jesus didn't disappoint

May 17, 2018

God’s Gifts at Shavuot

May 14, 2018
Shavuot (SHAH-voo-ote) is the last of the Spring Feasts It was one of three pilgrimage Feasts of the Jewish year when all physically able Jewish men were to bring to Jerusalem the first of their harvest as an offering to the Lord

Israel Turns 70

May 14, 2018
On May 14, 1948, the fledgling nation of Israel declared her independence The United Nations granted the Jewish people a national homeland in the Palestinian region of the Middle East

BREAKING NEWS: Witnessing first hand an attack on Israel

May 11, 2018

Help us welcome the King of Kings into Enfranz, Ethiopia

May 10, 2018

It’s a tragedy - and no one deserves our help more . . .

May 04, 2018

Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut

April 16, 2018

March of the Nations in Israel

April 13, 2018
The March of the Nations plus Conference on May 13 – 15, 2018 will take place on a historic date: the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the State of Israel. Thousands of Christians from all nations will come to Jerusalem for a special conference.

Surviving One of the Holocaust’s Worst Pogroms

April 10, 2018
It had been planned for days Germany had invaded Russia, and German tanks and soldiers now swarmed through the city of Iasi Germany insisted the Jews had provided the necessary information that had allowed Russia to bomb the train station Tensions in town grew quickly
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